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COVID-19 Office Update

The safety of our patients and staff is our highest priority. We are closely following the Center for Disease Control, CDC, for any updates regarding the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak. 


Currently, our office is closed due to the COVID-19 outbreak.  However, if you have the following conditions:

  • Severe toothache pain

  • Swelling of your gums, face or neck

  • Infection or a substantial risk of it

  • Trauma (such as broken tooth) 


Please call us, we will do our best to help. (if you have COVID-19 symptoms or suspect that you are positive for COVID-19, immediately contact your nearest hospital)


This is an evolving situation in our community and we will adjust our policies accordingly. 


If you are experiencing any symptoms of illness including fever, chills, cough, body aches, shortness of breath, you are required to postpone your appointment for 3 weeks. If you have traveled internationally within the last 2 weeks or have known exposure to someone with COVID-19, please reschedule your appointment for a minimum of three weeks. 


Our office efforts in relation to COVID-19: 

a. Regular monitoring of CDC website and current news for updates.

b. Active team discussions and evaluation of safety standards.

c. Continued best practices to maintain our extremely high standards of cleanliness. 

d. Staff will be proactive in wearing masks to add another level of protection for our patients and peers. 

e. Our office cleans and disinfects throughout the day; including wiping down door handles, exam rooms, and surface areas. Thank you for your cooperation. 


Additional information on how to protect yourself, family and community can be found on the CDC's website.

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